
Павлодарда ірі жол апаты болды

Көше қиылысында төрт автокөлік соғылды.

Жол апаты Назарбаев даңғылының Чокин көшесімен қиылысында 15 тамызға қараған түні болды. Оқиға болған сәт бейнетіркеуішке жазылған.

Видеодан Volkswagen Golf пен Lada Priora-ның Чокинмен қозғалып бара жатқаны көрінеді. Екі көлік те бағдаршамның сары түсіне өтіп, Volkswagen тік кетеді де, Lada солға бұрылады.

Қиылыста универсалдың бүйірінен Toyota Prius соғады. Соққыдан Volkswagen айналып кетіп, жолаушы жолға ұшып түскен. Сол сәтте «Приуспен» қатар келе жатқан Mercedes-Benz «Приораны» қақты. басылымы апат салдарынан жарақат алған 37 жастағы әйелдің ауруханаға жеткізілгенін хабарлады.

Комментариев: 1810

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    Netflix, dijital yayın yapan ve günümüzde popüler olarak kullanılan bir platformdur. Teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte birçok dijital yayın platformu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu nedenle insanlar televizyon gibi sabit kanallar artık geride kalmış ve farklı içeriklere sahip olan dijital platformlara yönelmiştir. Bu dizi ve film içerikli dijital platformların en başına ise Netflix gelmektedir. Bu uygulama tüm dünya tarafından sevilen ve kullanılan ücretsiz dijital dizi ve flm izleme platformudur. Uygulama içerisinde satın alma kısmında farklı ödeme seçenekleri bulunmaktadır. Aile, çift kişi, arkadaş ve tek şeklinde ödeme yapma imkanı sunan Netflix ücretsiz olarak da izlenebilir. netflix ücretsiz izleme seçeneğini merak eden kişiler bu konuyu araştırabilir. Herkesin her ay az miktarda para ödediği fakat yıllık çok fazla para ödediği bu platformu ücretsiz izlemek için Google internet tarayıcısına Netflix ücretsiz izleme yazmalıdır. Çıkan sonuçlar incelenmeli ve araştırılmalıdır. Yasal olmayan bu seçenekte kişilerin dolandırılma ya da kandırılma ihtimali yüksektir. Bu nedenle Netflix ücretsiz izleme araştırmalarını dikkatli bir şekilde yapmalıdır.

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    league of legends script cheat is a paid and pirated cheat. The cheat is used to avoid taking damage in the game and to show a better game. However, when this cheat is detected, the players are removed from the game. League of legends is a computer game that does not allow cheating. For this reason, the fact that any cheat is open in the game can cause great harm to people who use cheats. League of legends script cheat is known by 3 different names. These; last hit boost, damage evasion and correct ability usage. The script cheat, which is a comprehensive cheat, is at a level that can defraud people. The reason is that the trick is a pirate sale. Therefore, there are not many players who tend to cheat. In addition, this cheat creates an unequal environment in the game. People who open the League of legends script cheat without noticing can easily change clusters in the game. However, if cheating is detected, people are kicked out of the game.

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    valorant aimbot is one of the auto cheats known as aim booster. In addition, players who use this cheat are called aimbots. Other names of this cheat are aim trigger and aim hack. Aimbot cheat is used very often in FPS and TPS type competitive games in Volarant game. Since the Volarant aimbot is an automatic aiming cheat, the aim cursor will automatically point towards the player who is close. Thanks to the cheat, the player does not need to aim and can only shoot and neutralize other players. Thanks to this cheat, Volarant players can level up easily. Also this cheat sometimes goes unnoticed for your games. When game developers notice these cheats that the game algorithm does not notice, they can charge cheaters. In addition, the Volarant aimbot cheat is used in many gun games. These games are; They are popular games like Counter-Strike and Fortnite. Due to the popularity of games, cheat developers can catch the eye of game developers.

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    The Instagram platform is a social media platform that has become popular recently and is used by everyone with a smartphone. There have been many changes since it was first used. These changes have become professions for people over time. For this reason, Instagram actually paved the way for new professions. One of them is the buy instagram followers event. The logic of Instagram social media is the number of followers and interaction. If users want to earn money on Instagram, they should buy Instagram followers. Obtaining followers naturally is another way, but the purchased follower takes place in a faster process than the natural follower. It is also a permanent follower process, even if the natural follower comes in a long time. For this reason, users want to buy the latest instagram followers. Because, no matter how fast this process is, it is not a permanent process.

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    In the beginning, the Instagram platform has been a social media where only people share photos. However, many changes have been made in this social media platform, which has been frequently updated recently. With this change, Instagram users have had the chance to earn income. The most important of the changes is that people will be able to share videos and stories. In this way, people can share videos in income-generating situations such as advertisements. In addition, interaction is a separate income situation. For all these, users first buy instagram likes . By purchasing followers, the account is enlarged and shared posts fall into the category of buy instagram likes. Obtained followers do not have much interaction such as watching and likes, an extra expense should be made for this. This should also be buy instagram likes. Thanks to your likes and views, users begin to be seen by many accounts. All of these can actually be done with a natural follower, but this takes a long time. For this reason, people are growing their accounts by buying followers and likes.

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